How will I know you received my order?

You'll receive an email and a call on your provided phone number to confirming that your order has been received. If you do not receive an email confirmation or call, please check to see if the email address on your order was entered correctly.

When will my order be shipped?

We send email and SMS acknowledgement at the time your order is booked by courier.

What payment methods do you accept?

Account Transfer (H.B.L)
Easy Paisa / New Omni or any Other Money Transfer services

How I can order?

Here are two simple methods to make order:

1. Select your item
2. Directly send email at "onlineuser752@gmail.com"or make a Call/SMS on 0346-4364357
3. Confirm your order by giving your details (Name, Item name, address…)
4. Your order will be delivered within next one days.
5. You will receive a confirmation email and call
6. Your order will be delivered free within next one days

If I buy in bulk, can you give me discount?

Our prices are the best and very much near to the wholesale; and this is the reason we have kept it open for everyone. But even then if you want to buy bulk quantity, then please contact to our customer services on (Cell: 0346-4364357 / Email:  ( onlineuser752@gmail.com ) to get handsome discount.

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